TIME for Kids builds the critical reading skills kids need to succeed in the information era.
Toy Upgrade • Read “Best Inventions of 2024” (January 3, 2025). One of the best inventions is an upgraded version of a classic toy, the Frisbee. Put on your inventor hat and come up with an upgrade for another classic toy.
COVER QUIZ • Use this week’s cover story, “Best Inventions of 2024” (pp. 4–7), to answer the questions below. For questions 1–6, circle the letter next to the best answer. If you need more space to respond to question 7, use the back of this page.
MAGAZINE QUIZ • Use this week’s issue, Best Inventions of 2024, to answer the questions below. For each question, circle the letter next to the best answer.
Balanced Sources • Return to the sources of your research. Take note of people quoted in those news articles and why they might have been included. Identify which quotes will add relevant and balanced information to your story.