The experts at Highlights know how to keep kids motivated while they learn. Filled with fiction, nonfiction, Hidden Pictures®, skill-building puzzles, science experiments and more, this read-only digital version of Highlights magazine strengthens reading abilities, promotes creativity, sharpens thinking skills, and helps build confidence. Visit to learn more. Ages 6-12.
Magical Memories
I ASKED… • What would be a great classroom pet?
Wintry Tradition
A Helping Haircut
Festive Sweaters
Evergreen Christmas • I knew Mom was checking the price tag. “Let’s keep looking,” she said.
Gift It! • These gift holders double as festive decorations.
DECEMBER FROM A TO Z • What December words and celebrations would you add?
Big Cats on Guard
GOOFUS & GALLANT • There’s a little bit of G & G in us all. Let your Gallant shine!
Air Aware • How do snowboarders train for their tricks?
Candy Bark • These tasty treats make great gifts!
OUT OF CONTROL! • You’ve never seen a sled like this.
Tree Expert • Every year, Erik Pauze selects the giant tree for Rockefeller Center in New York City.
12 Days of cuteness
Watch What You Water
Highlights for Children • DECEMBER 2022 • VOLUME 77 • NUMBER 12 • ISSUE NO. 854
Share Your Work • You might see it in a future issue! If sending your work by postal mail, please include your name, age, and address.
Jokes and Riddles
Wacky Captions
Funny But True
NICE ICE • The icy pond surface looks like a mirror. But some objects are missing in the reflection. Can you find at least 12?
WHAT’S WRONG? • It’s up to you!